Outlive your toothbrush
Toothbrushes are supposed to be thrown out every 3 months, but they're made of plastics that take 1000 years to biodegrade.
Toothbrush Mermaid
During the largest art parade in America, the coney island mermaid parade, Woobamboo will build a life size mermaid out of the 300 plastic toothbrushes an average person uses in their lifetime.
The plaque
You’re supposed to throw out your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. But an average toothbrush takes 1000 years to decompose, all while slowly leaching chemicals into our oceans, our food, and inevitably into our bodies. Or more precisely, the bodies of our great great great grandchildren. Here at Woobamboo we believe It’s time to outlive our toothbrushes. Find out more at woobamboo.com